This is where you can book your services. (Sorry about the image quality)   PS: Some orders may not be accepted due to a lack of staff or no availability. ORDER HERE - https://forms.gle/EjMs1Aes2a3VTQeC8

1 - Floor House

We will build you a 1 - Floor House with a 1 - Hour timeslot.

We will build you a 1 - Floor house with a 1 - Hour timeslot. (If needed order extra time)

2 - Floor House

We will build you a 1 - Floor House with a 1 - Hour timeslot.

We will build you a 2 - Floor house with a 1 - Hour timeslot. (If needed purchase extra time, you also need the more floors house)

Extra Time

30 Mins Extra Time.

You will have an added 30 Mins Extra time to your existing order.

More floors.

More floors gives you 1 more floor per order.

More floors will give you 1 more floor per order of more floors. (You will need more floors in bloxburg)

© 2020 Bloxburg Home Builders - ROBLOX House Services. Order here - https://forms.gle/EjMs1Aes2a3VTQeC8
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